Auditions are held twice a year; in the Spring and Fall sessions.
How to Register:
Auditioners will need to register online: Register Now
Download the audition forms, complete and email to tya@taratibu.org or bring to the audition.
For accepted members, there will be a parent/student orientation immediately after auditions at 3pm.
More information to come.
What To Prepare
Youth should come prepared to auditions with a song, a monologue, and a 30 second - 1 minute dance piece.
What to Expect on Audition Day
On the audition day, youth will first take three or four short, 30-minute classes in the styles that they would be learning as a member of TYA as a group. Then, each individual person will present their prepared audition material. Youth will be contacted on which group they have been placed into and the general results of their audition one to two days afterwards.