Community Outreach
The community outreach program moves dance beyond the traditional studio and into communities that might not otherwise experience performing arts. Our young people offer a variety of classes, workshops, informational opportunities and performance experiences to encourage participants to explore the culture and history of Africa while raising awareness of issues that matter to young people.
This program houses the Taratibu Student Instructor Certification course. This course trains students 14 years and older to become Certified Taratibu Student Instructors and enables them to teach youth in recreation centers, after-school programs, and churches; creating a viable revenue stream that can carry them through college and beyond.
The community outreach program seeks to develop connections with schools and other arts organizations; while maintaining a connections with our three sister groups: the Bokomoso Youth Center in South Africa, Soul in Motion African Dancers and Drummers, and Farafina Kan Youth Company. With these groups, we often collaborate for cultural exchange experiences, performances and workshops.
Baba Michael Friend, Soul in Motion, 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
Farafina Kan Youth collaboration
TYA & Bokomoso Youth Center