Cross-Cultural Exchange
The Cross-Cultural International Educational Exchange Program (CCIEP) provides educational experiences that blend the arts with the history of Africa and the diaspora, during international trips every two years. Since 2010, TYA has traveled to Ghana, Togo, & Benin in 2010, Tanzania in 2011, South Africa in 2013, Haiti and St. Croix in 2015 , Senegal in 2017, Bahia, Brazil in 2019, Ghana in 2022 and Zimbabwe, Zambia in 2024. During this 2 to 3-week intensive experience, youth meet with indigenous artists such as drummers, dancers, and craftsmen to further cultural immersion. They attend classes with youth in their age groups, visit and perform at schools, churches, community centers, for dignitaries, and engage in transformative projects of service. As a result, TYA sings songs of struggle, faith, and resilience in Kiswahili, Zulu, Sotho, Haitian Kreyol, Yoruba, Portuguese, and perform traditional dances from Jamaica, Guinea, Mali, Haiti, and South Africa.